
Important Safety Information

Only the MRI technologist or a qualified investigator may operate the scanner. See Training and Eligibility Requirements.

No one (including researchers and assistants) may enter the console room without being screened by the MRI technologist.

Participants must sign consent and screening forms before they are scanned.  These forms must be present at the time of scanning.

If there are any questions regarding participant’s safety in the scanner, the MRI Technologist’s recommendation will be followed.

The use of paper clips, staples, or other small metal objects to fasten papers is not permitted anywhere in the imaging suite

Anyone entering the console room must first “de-metal” (empty pockets; remove jewelry, watches, wallets, beepers, hair clips; leave pens, clipboards etc. outside).

Hearing protection (in the form of BOTH earplugs or headphones) must be used when scanning all participants.